Discover your ideal position—Reduce eye strain by using the IPD adjustment dial. Interpupillary distance (IPD)—the measurement in millimeters between the centers of your pupils.
Visualize in 5K clarity-Bring out the finer details with combined 4896 x 2448 resolution. 5K resolution may be subject to processing compatibility
Enjoy VR with hours on end comfort-Industry-defining balanced construction and adjustability provide a comfortable fit for VR sessions of any length and purpose. The headset fits a wide range of head sizes and vision types, even glasses
Experience seamless visuals-Increase your visual comfort in graphics-intensive games and apps with a 120Hz refresh rate
See more of your environment-A wide 120 Degree field of view (FOV) expands the VR viewing experience. The increased angle better aligns with the human eyes, letting you see more naturally
Discover your ideal position—Reduce eye strain by using the IPD adjustment dial. Interpupillary distance (IPD)—the measurement in millimeters between the centers of your pupils.
Visualize in 5K clarity-Bring out the finer details with combined 4896 x 2448 resolution. 5K resolution may be subject to processing compatibility
Enjoy VR with hours on end comfort-Industry-defining balanced construction and adjustability provide a comfortable fit for VR sessions of any length and purpose. The headset fits a wide range of head sizes and vision types, even glasses
Experience seamless visuals-Increase your visual comfort in graphics-intensive games and apps with a 120Hz refresh rate
See more of your environment-A wide 120 Degree field of view (FOV) expands the VR viewing experience. The increased angle better aligns with the human eyes, letting you see more naturally